The furniture of NAOS

Furniture is crucial in finalizing a process developed in collaboration with the client in design and building projects. At NAOS's office in Carnaxide, the furniture elevated the workspace by enhancing comfort and functionality and adding color. By carefully selecting international brands, we successfully furnished all office areas, including the reception, cafeteria, training room, and open space.

Célia Lopes, General Director of NAOS, explains the entire cooperation process with Vector Mais:
"At NAOS, we always say that how we do things is more important than what we do. With Vector Mais, it was not only essential to deliver an impeccable, elegant, and functional project within the agreed deadline. It was how Vector Mais conducted the entire process, as well as competence and transparency. It was a joy to count on Vector Mais in this process, and we strongly recommend the Vector Mais team to everyone in charge of a design and build project".

Miguel Pestana, architect at Vector Mais, talks about the approach to the project:
"One of them was the creation of a non-physical border between the public area, intended for receiving external visitors, and the operational area in open space. This subtle separation allows for an efficient workflow, ensuring that external interactions do not interfere with internal team dynamics. We also wanted to convey the NAOS philosophy into the physical space through natural materials and soft textures, reinforcing the theme around dermatology and sustainability".

Sancal armchairs and table at the reception area

Inclass stools at the cafetaria

Forma 5 chairs and table in a meeting room

Forma 5 task chairs and tables in the open space


The furniture of Floene


Vector Mais — The Art of Building