Club Office

In the latest Vitra Session (and in the e-paper released), the focus was on the 'Club Office' concept. Here, the office becomes a club, where people with the same goals come together to work, socialize, and contribute to a company's corporate culture. In an age of distributed or hybrid work, the office takes on greater importance than ever, being the physical manifestation of the values ​​of a company or organization.

At the Club, the company can welcome its entire community, whether employees, customers or partners. It is a flexible space for sharing and creativity, interaction and collaboration, where both existing and future members want to be a part of. The Club is the embodiment of each company's unique identity. After long periods of confinement and teleworking, the Club plays an essential role in returning to the office, promoting team spirit and a lively community, passionate about what it does.

In the 'Club Office' concept developed by Vitra, the workspace is divided into three essential areas:

Public Area

The public space is open to members and guests or external collaborators and partners. It is designed to encourage spontaneous encounters and easy informal collaboration.

Semi-public Area

The semi-public area is designed to support scheduled meetings, allowing for deeper collaboration, workshops and more formal knowledge exchange.

Private Area

The third area is a private space, suited to focused work, both for individuals and permanent teams whose constellation and needs vary little over time.

Download the 'Club Office' e-paper here.

To order or know more information about furniture or office solutions, please send an email to our product manager Inês Seabra.