Banco BAI Europa by Vector Mais

Designed and built by Vector Mais, Banco BAI Europa’s office is the perfect example of good design and functionality in one space. The project was transmitted in the Espaços & Casas TV Show of SIC Notícias.

Omar Guerra Executive Administrator, Banco BAI Europa

Omar Guerra
Executive Administrator, Banco BAI Europa

"The location of the chosen space is part of a larger project with a strategic realignment of BAI Group in Portugal. Within the analysis carried out there were main objectives as to increase the integration of the branch within the group, to provide a better service to the client in all the geographic areas in which the group is present and also to make a better communication and to give more visibility to the brand in Portugal. We ended up coming to the Amoreiras with another commitment that was to have the same space as the previous facilities, but all on the same floor. There is a set of values that we can see on the walls of the premises, which have been validated and built together with our team. In the end they were surprised to see these messages mirrored on the walls of our workspace. "

Susana Mendes Project Manager, Vector Mais

Susana Mendes
Project Manager, Vector Mais

"This project was born through a contest of ideas that the client launched to the market for a design and build project. Vector Mais won this contest and developed the entire project, including the specialties, architecture and furniture supply. The client wanted an office with a very comfortable and functional environment and that we included all the new work concepts in the space and at the same time creating a very striking image and with a strong and elegant personality. The operative part is developed in open space, there are no closed offices, the team managers work with the teams to promote a better communication between the employees. Around the open space were created all the internal meeting rooms and some phone booths, which are extremely important spaces, especially when we have an open space as extensive as we have in this project.”