Soft Seating — Vector Mais
Project — Broadway Malyan
Area — 14.000m²
Location — Lisbon
The Ageas headquarters in Lisbon embraces the new demands of modern offices with a series of flexible workspaces and vibrant common areas that foster community spirit and interaction between colleagues. Furniture plays a vital role in this regard, especially the soft seating provided by Vector Mais. With a focus on visual and physical comfort, quality materials and timeless design, the choice of soft seating had as its primary mission to put people first, bringing typically domestic or hotel elements and concepts to the office. A wide selection of sofas, armchairs, chairs, stools and tables made it possible to create the perfect environment for working, collaborating or socializing.
Joana Mendão
Project Lead | Broadway Malyan
“The inspiration behind the project was to challenge traditional workplace boundaries and to take a much more fluid approach to how people want to work. Throughout the scheme we have sought to confront preconceived expectations and the result is a workplace that is both surprising and informal and recognises that important work moments can happen anywhere”.